Orbis Hotel and Cruise Ships Intitute Institutions are oriented professionals in the job market, both national and international. We build this academy with the noble goal to educate, Putra Putri Indonesia prepares to face globalization to be able to compete and be professional in their field and provide accurate information, right, clearly and in detail about the world of hospitality and cruises.
Orbis Hotel and Cruise Ships Institute Managed by the leader and professional instructors, experienced and have expertise in the hospitality industry and yacht with extensive connections in the world of hospitality, both national and international, determined and committed to print workforce has more value, professional and reliable in the field of Hospitality Industry.
Orbis Hotel and Cruise Ships Institute concentrate on learning about the Hospitality Industry. Our teaching methods are focused on the theory and practice as well as the establishment of the Mental Attitude, Expertise in the field, and oriented based curriculum LMB ( Labor Market Base). We hope that our graduates can be a figure that is ready and able to compete on a national and even international working world Hospitality Industry. And this is also supported with the same relationships and kerjasa our very extensive in the world Hospitality make our graduates have many opportunities to immediately absorbed and a career in the hotel industry and cruise ship.